BASIC METADATA FOR LAYER: hydrological point features in Huasteca study area communities
Hydrology points (wells, springs, water tanks, etc.) within the "Huasteca Potosina Study Area": nine communities in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico (La Lima, La Pila, Chuchupe, Las Armas, Cuatlamayán, Santa Cruz, Tancuime, Tazáquil, and Chimalaco) and their immediate surrounding areas.
Data is from two sources:
1. INEGI digital data layers from 1:50,000-scale maps (extensive technical and methodological information concerning INEGI geographic data is available at
2. Data collected by the Mexico Indigena project team and local community investigators during the "Mexico Indigena" participatory research project (also called "Mexican Open Source GIS Project"), 2005-2006, via sketch maps, interviews, and GPS site visits.